April Events

In April, Intercity will be holding it’s Spring Fling Marathon. The dates will be april 11th to april 13th. The times are as follows.

Friday April 11th 6:00 pm-11:45 pm

Saturday April 12th 6:00 am-11:45 pm

Sunday April 13th 6:00 am-5:00 pm

After the last slot on Sunday is done we will have a countdown followed by a potluck. Feel free to bring any food or drinks to the potluck. Hope you can join us. In a few days I will post a full schedule of all the time slots.

Also Intercity Fellowship Hall will have a marathon slot from 12:00-1:45 pm on Saturday April 12th at 12130 Birch Ave. Hawthorne, CA, 90250. We welcome anyone who would like to join us and show a strong showing for Intercity.

Intercity Fellowship Hall will be having a Membership Meeting on Saturday April 26 at 1:00pm. This a chance for members to ask any questions or voice any concerns. We hope to see you all at one or all of these events.



New And Exciting Things Happening At Intercity Fellowship Hall.

We are in the process of starting Bingo. We have a wonderful Bingo Committee. We hope to start Bingo in the next thirty days. Stay tuned for more information.

We are also updating our meeting cards. You only have to contact Hope if you are a new meeting and, or, you are making changes to your meetings name or changing the time of your meeting.

Our wonderful web designer and electronic wiz kid Joseph, has helped Intercity come out of the stone age. Please help him by subscribing free of charge to this web page to get email notification of all of our upcoming events. If you have any questions or trouble with this website, please leave a message for Joseph at the coffee bar with your name and contact info.

Thank you to all the volunteers at Intercity. Without you we could not run this club.

ICFH Annual Membership Meeting & Luncheon January 25th, 12:30PM

Intercity is your club, we welcome your input. The Board continues working to improve both the facility and the operation. Nothing happens in a vacuum, there’s a lot going on behind the scenes to keep our doors open. We have made great progress but our work is not done! Please plan to attend and hopefully be of service.

***Members: Attend meeting with proof of current membership and enjoy a free BBQ lunch afterward! All others $5.00 a plate.***